
Tuesday, 19 May 2015

ww1 Machine Guns

Machine guns pre-dated the first world war by half a century and where it took place in 1914.But doubts about their role and effectiveness limited to use of machine guns in most pre-war armies.Most early war machine-guns were heavy and relatively immobile,requiring a team of soldiers to use.  

 At first,only the germans appreciated the power of machine guns when used on the defence from prepared positions with overlapping fields of fire

The 1914 machine gun, usually positioned on a flat tripod, would require a gun crew of four to six operators.  In theory they could fire 400-600 small-calibre rounds per minute, a figure that was to more than double by the war's end, with rounds fed via a fabric belt or a metal strip.


Tuesday, 12 May 2015

letter to Jim O'Dwyer and Eric henry

NAME Smith .F

ADDRESS Roscommon Road 316

DATE 4 Monday May 2015   

Dear  jim O’Dwyer and eric Henry,
I want to start off by saying I feel sorry for you guys of how you and you friend never saw each other for that long for and the tragedy and  short notice that the war spread all over the islands.
All of you guys were very smart of what you did  when your younger brothers joined the world war 1.
When you had to beat them up just so they didn't have to confess the war. And good for you for trying your best !
I feel so sorry for yous and I wish I could come and see you but I can't I also heard of the really gruesome things that happened to you guys like when your leg got shot and you arm was hanging on by your skin.And I also heard that your father was a priest and you said to him “Father, I am not going to die” I hope you guys be happy for the rest of you life


Yours sincerely/faithfully (your name)

world war 1 phones to communicate 

Image result for world war 1 phones
Telephones and the Telegraph were the most used form of Telecommunication,both by civilians and by the military,when world war 1 was declared.Both were refined and made more secure during the conflict, while radio communication took great leaps forward.Ultimately,technologies developed for use on the front would lead to the creation of broadcast radio in the 1990s.

The  communication machine technology  was used to contact their air forces to. To
help them. And also used to call for backup. for some more troops.

When the First World War began the British war office seemed little initial attention to developed in the prosecution of hostilities.        
Here is some pictures of some more phones from world war 1

Image result for phones ww1

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Letter to louis

NAME: Louis.S
DATE: 6 May wednesday 2015    

Dear (William

Hi William I hope you are ok and England and that they are happy there.I really miss you and I want to see you and hug you in the army it is very hard to survive without you.I hope you come back to Samoa and eat with our family.I hope your right ear is ok so you can hear me very well and that you can talk so when I see you I can talk to you and  and do stuff together.I hope it is fun for you over there and that you like it there because if it is not then you are going to wait for a while then I will come and get you and we will eat dinner and watch TV and eat Popcorn.I just can’t wait to see you brother and when I do I will never ever leave you again.