IN Brightest days in Blackest nights when people feared evil's might when all seems lost in the war of light and people look to the skies as hope burned bright for hearts long lost and full of fright for those alone in blackest night two great warriors
Stood with pride hope and honour protecting those who could not protect themselves The warriors were Saitama and Goku.
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They meet on The fields of war charged with power Saitama threw a vicious punch it sent Goku flying threw building crumbling on top of him then blue light shined from under the bust building it was Goku in God form then blasted Saitama ripping his cape and damaging him.There battle shook the earth .

Then Saitama threw a hard punch and Boom a loud noise came from the other side of the city it was a giant cyclops and he was he to kill both heroes and destroy the two heroes so the heroes had to work together to save everyone.the heroes fought hard but they getting beaten so they had to fuse so they did it and they were more powerful than ever.they were so strong the cyclops couldn’t even lay one punch on them but then they had to end the fight before more people get hurt and more lives have to be sacrificed so they done a special move called kamehameha super punch a move of strength in martial artist takes fifty years to learn it.So they charged there power and they said the words kame hameha!!!
They ended the fight in one punch and they saved the world from being servants to the cyclops and that was the day that they became go punch the defenders of earth.